Economy of Communion
International Incubating Network
We are an international network which supports the incubation of new enterprises within the economy of communion and also enterprises with a positive social impact (purpose-driven organisations).
Via HUBs, access points in all continents, the EoC-IIN offers many useful services for the enterprise formation process, based on trust, cooperation and reciprocity.
EoC-IIN is a worldwide community of people and companies that donate their talent and experience to facilitate the growth of a new generation of entrepreneurs.

EoC-IIN was born in 2016, within an international movement of people and companies united by a vision that recognizes that we are all part of one global family and believe that the economy can be oriented to the integral development of the person and the society: “Economy of Communion” (EoC).

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For over 25 years the Economy of Communion has promoted the “culture of giving”, the centrality of the person and not just profit, the importance of non-instrumental human relations, inclusion and social justice.